Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Special Wedding Veil

Spiritual - Christ is the source of matrimonial grace.  If we don't cooperate with His freely given grace we cannot "tap into" the unlimited graces He has waiting for us.  By persistent, faithful prayer on can a couple  have a truly successful marriage - not a perfect one , but one of  joy and peace.  If God is not the center of the union, there is a great chance of unhappiness, and the beautiful description the grace-filled state of matrimony as described by the CCC will not take place. 
"Christ dwells with them, gives them the strength to take up their crosses and so follow him, to rise again after they have fallen, to forgive one another, to bear one another's burdens, to 'be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ,' and to love one another with supernatural, tender, and fruitful love,  In the joys of their love and family life he gives them here on earth a foretaste of the wedding feast of the Lamb..."
Sewing -  I was honored when I was asked to make a cathedral length wedding veil for one of my favorite students from my high school teaching days. I had made several short veils, but never a three-tiered cathedral and was quite excited about it.  It was going to be a challenge.  She did all the footwork - buying the Alencon lace and bridal tulle.  I researched width, length, technique, and  lace application and began the work.  Many sewers do use machines to put on the lace, but I decided to sew all the lace by hand.  I did a serged rolled edge on all the layers first.  Then, I cut and separated all the motifs of the lace and tried different placements on the longer tiered veil.  I hand sewed the scalloped edge, and, finally the motifs.  There was no lace placed on the shorter tiers. All three layers were gathered  and attached to a comb.  Ribbon and more lace was added to the comb.  Enjoy the pictures!  Isn't she lovely?  (She's a doctor married to another doctor!)

Check out the pictures of the veil and bride in the "wedding veil" set at SewHealing Flickr.

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