Monday, April 30, 2012

This is for you, Ms. Billie!

Spiritual - "It can well be said that there is no divine mystery or truth of faith which does not, in some way, speak of the excessive love of the Lord.  The more we are convinced of this love, the more profound will be our 'loving knowledge' of God; and at the same time, we shall feel an ever increasing impulse to return love to Him who has first loved us so greatly." Divine Intimacy
Sewing - Today is the 1st Anniversary of the death of my mother-in-law.  She was a wonderful prayerful woman who taught me more that I can say.  We were very blessed to share a fabulous hobby in common - sewing and machine embroidery.  This diaper shirt set is one of her UFOs (unfinished projects).  I found this in a bag yesterday and decided to complete it for her.  She loved machine embroidery and embroidered a sweet little bear on the center of the shirt and the back of the diaper cover.  I'll keep it in my shop in honor of her.  Thanks, Ms. Billie, for all your love and support.  I love you and miss you.


  1. That is such an amazing way to honor her, mom. We are so lucky to have known such a wonderful, talented, spiritual, witty, caring woman. I am so proud to have been called her granddaughter and also to have a mother who cared for her in such a selfless way. You are the reason I was able to know her so intimately and I will be forever grateful. I plan to continue her sewing legacy and yours, if only I could find the time!!!! One of these days...

  2. Thank you, Jennie. I love you. Granny loved you so much and cherished all of the little visits you and she had. I think she knew you better than I did. Y'all were kindred spirits!
